Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Spirit of Learning

Everyday is a wonderful day, for me or for others. And it each day, i work and live in school as a teacher. I have taught since 2015, and now counted as one year. So many experienced in there. One of the biggest thing is when student felt sad if i'm not teach them. It's so wonderful. I can't imagine if every students in the world are doing like that. I think it will be great. . In Islam itself,...

Monday, August 1, 2016

Overthinking Gak Bagus Buat Kesehatan

Seri Fallacy : Overthinking Seri Fallacy : Overthinking Pada suatu hari, Sherlock Holmes membaca tulisan mengenai dirinya yang ditulis John Watson. Sherlock protes karena pada tulisan tersebut John mempermasalahkan ketidaktahuan Sherlock tentang bumi mengelilingi matahari. “Begini.” Kata Sherlock menjelaskan. “Otak manusia pada awalnya sama seperti loteng...